Selected Protein id is Q7K8S5

Functional Positions

(Domains searched against Pfam Database)

Domain Start EndAccession Description
Peptidase_C13 29 262 PF01650.15 Peptidase C13 family

Physiochemical Properties

Isoelectric point5.840
Aliphatic index78.307
Hydrophobic (A,F,G,I,L,M,P,V,W) Count152
Hydrophilic (C,N,Q,S,T,Y) Count82
Positively Charged (R & K) Count33
Negatively Charged (D & E) Count42

Annotation Information

Gene Ontology(GO)

GO IDsF:GO:0003923; P:GO:0006508; F:GO:0008233; P:GO:0016255; C:GO:0042765
GO NamesF:GPI-anchor transamidase activity; P:proteolysis; F:peptidase activity; P:attachment of GPI anchor to protein; C:GPI-anchor transamidase complex

Enzyme Classes(EC)

Enzyme CodesEC:3
Enzyme NamesHydrolases


KEGG Pathway-

Unique Secretory Protein

Unique Secretory ProteinNo
GO Name-