Selected Protein id is Q4FKT1

Functional Positions

(Domains searched against Pfam Database)

Domain Start EndAccession Description
- - - - -

Physiochemical Properties

Isoelectric point8.620
Aliphatic index74.155
Hydrophobic (A,F,G,I,L,M,P,V,W) Count180
Hydrophilic (C,N,Q,S,T,Y) Count148
Positively Charged (R & K) Count54
Negatively Charged (D & E) Count51

Annotation Information

Gene Ontology(GO)

GO IDsP:GO:0042967; P:GO:0007165; C:GO:0016020; C:GO:0016021; P:GO:0020012; P:GO:0020033; F:GO:0004872; F:GO:0016740; F:GO:0008080; C:GO:0005886
GO NamesP:acyl-carrier-protein biosynthetic process; P:signal transduction; C:membrane; C:integral component of membrane; P:evasion or tolerance of host immune response; P:antigenic variation; F:receptor activity; F:transferase activity; F:N-acetyltransferase activity; C:plasma membrane

Enzyme Classes(EC)

Enzyme CodesEC:2.3.1
Enzyme NamesAcyltransferases


KEGG Pathway-

Unique Secretory Protein

Unique Secretory ProteinNo
GO Name-