Selected Protein id is B3GVQ6

Functional Positions

(Domains searched against Pfam Database)

Domain Start EndAccession Description
Beta-lactamase2 49 259 PF13354.3 Beta-lactamase enzyme family
Beta-lactamase 31 280 PF00144.21 Beta-lactamase
Peptidase_S11 30 196 PF00768.17 D-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase

Physiochemical Properties

Isoelectric point5.930
Aliphatic index94.545
Hydrophobic (A,F,G,I,L,M,P,V,W) Count153
Hydrophilic (C,N,Q,S,T,Y) Count60
Positively Charged (R & K) Count30
Negatively Charged (D & E) Count36

Annotation Information

Gene Ontology(GO)

GO IDsP:GO:0042318; P:GO:0046677; F:GO:0008800; P:GO:0030655
GO NamesP:penicillin biosynthetic process; P:response to antibiotic; F:beta-lactamase activity; P:beta-lactam antibiotic catabolic process

Enzyme Classes(EC)

Enzyme CodesEC:
Enzyme NamesBeta-lactamase


KEGG PathwayBiosynthesis of antibiotics, Penicillin and cephalosporin biosynthesis, beta-Lactam resistance

Unique Secretory Protein

Unique Secretory ProteinYes
GO IDGO:0030655,GO:0046677,GO:0008800,GO:0016787,GO:0016020,GO:0016021,GO:0005737,GO:0005622,GO:0017001
GO Namebeta-lactam antibiotic catabolic process,response to antibiotic,beta-lactamase activity,hydrolase activity,membrane,integral component of membrane,cytoplasm,intracellular,antibiotic catabolic process